It’s actually not a new table. It’s the fourth, yes, FOURTH incarnation of the same table.
The first table my original contractors constructed was nothing like what we had agreed. They redid it, but the new table seemed wobbly. I was constantly afraid it would just tumble over. So I had a new, more reliable contractor redo it. Then I realized, if we lowered the table from bar height to normal table height, it would make the room look much more spacious. It would also allow for new chairs of normal height that are much more comfortable than the old bar stools.
It’s finally done! As with any project in France, timing it successfully is never easy. The contractor promised to adjust the table last week, then told me he was off to Italy with his family instead. I ordered new chairs from Coin du Design that were supposed to be shipped in 3-4 days–that was the big selling point. The factory then called to say the chairs were on backorder for 12 weeks. I ordered new chairs (also from Coin du Design) and the delivery company apparently was trying to deliver them to the wrong address. (I will say though, that the woman from Coin du Design who helped me on a daily and sometimes hourly basis until the chairs arrived was extremely friendly and helpful.) Finally, I needed to get rid of the old chairs not too early and not too late.
Somehow it all came together and the project got done over the long weekend. I went out today and bought cushions for the chairs. From BHV of course, my go-to-for-everything neighborhood store. We took the drawers from the “old” table and fixed them into the cabinets so we didn’t lose the silverware and napkin drawers.
I think this is a big improvement!