With less than six weeks to go before embarking on the second leg of our Corsica hike, I have posted the itinerary for part 1 of our hike under Longer Trip Itineraries.
Corsica is a magical place, close to Paris and yet curiously exotic. For fervent hikers, the GR20 (Grand Randonnée or “Long Hike” #20) is an absolute must. It is not an easy hike. But if you are ready for a physical challenge and if the idea of a mountain escape with a beach waiting for you at the end of the trail sounds like heaven, book your tickets now. All the logistical details for the northern nine days of the 15-day hike are in the itinerary. I’ll post the itinerary for the southern six days after the July 14 holiday.
Now, time for me to beef up the training!